In this article we are going to look at 6 ways to improve your mental health. Improving your mental health is just as important as maintaining body health. But you don’t actually have make a great deal of change to your life or take swathes of time to do it.
The surpising thing, however, is, that most people choose minfulness methods that ask you to change how you live and and use your time from the get go. That’s not how they did it in ancient times. The ancients used what they were doing at the time to improve their mental health. They used a combination of body, breath and mind. That’s the Mindesia way, and that’s what sets us apart.
Before we begin, lets consider Four things:
to improve your mental health you need to –
- be aware of your needs and develop methods and habits that meet them
- know what causes your stress and makes you unhappy or dissatisfied.
- understand taking care of and improving your mental health is not a selfish thing to do. It’s a necessity.
- appreciate that it takes a little effoert and positive reinforcement.
The good news is, it gets easier and more enjoyable over time!
Mindesia, medicine, science and mental health
Based on published research (
More importantly, you should understand that Mindesia’s six ways, if applied properly, are extremely effective and don’t take up too much of your time. That is to say, you simply integrate them into what you’re doing as you go about your daily busisness. That’s important in this day and age. Particularly when the World Health Organisation is telling us that stress and anxiety are running rampant, and as a result, our Head and Body Health are suffering.
Doctors and Scientists have long recognized that meditation improves your mental health. Moreover, their research, and ours, clearly state that it’s the remedy for stress, worry, sadness, and burnout. All the more reason for you to practice and commit to what Mindesia offers. We think you’ll find it both worthwhile and beneficial.
So, let’s take a closer look at 6 ways you can improve your mental health, little by little, a day at a time. Its our aim to help get you in the best shape of your life.
1|Interrupting negative self-talk
When you’re having a bad day, it’s easy to turn on yourself and start beating yourself up. Consequently, it’s important to know that this is something that can be changed with a little time and effort.
On the other hand, you may not even notice the way that you talk to yourself on a daily basis. Or, for that matter, that you’re self-bullying may be generating more negative thoughts. The result could be that you’re making a bad day even worse.
Luckily, Mindesia provides ways to combat this behaviour and help you gradually improve your days, a step at a time. They’ll also help you identify when and what triggers your self-bullying.
In addition, Mindesia’s methods are known to weaken the power that these thoughts have over us by reducing our invovlement. They also help you focus on the positive in a simple and direct way.
As a consequence, not only will your mental health improve, but it will positively effect other areas of your life, such as relationships, productivity, and so on.
Try Mindesia’s 7 Day Self-Esteem Challenge – insert link
2: Reduce involvement with recurring thoughts
Learning this greatly improves mental health
Now to involvement with recurring thoughts.
As many of us know, continuously dwelling on what-ifs and if-onlys is draining. Not only that, you may be too busy thinking about how things might go wrong or been done differently, that you end up not being able to do anything at all.
That’s ironic since most of us probably overthink to feel in control. Even more so, since overthinking can cause increased anxiety, more worries, and heightened stress levels.Not only that, but there’s also the there’s the likelihood of increased blood pressure, headaches, sleep problems and wieght gain from overeating.
However, the good news is that Mindesia has ways to help you break free from this. It can help you find the peace and calm you seek wherever, whenever, whatever, once again.
Try Mindesia’s 21 day – How to Meditate programme – link
How many times have you said “yes” to something that you really wanted to say “no” too? It’s important to realise that striving to please everyone can cause physical and emotional exhaustion, or even burnout. In short, it’s one of the most common ways we rob ourselves of time to recharge our batteries.
In addition, not following through and going back on your word can rob you of the joy and progress you’ve made in taking self care time. Consequently others may find your word less trustworthy over time.
That’s where using Mindesia comes in. Importantly, your Mindesia Moments could become the basis for a turn around in your behaviours. And as a result things could begin to fall into place for you. Not only that, your personal and work lifes could begin to run more smoothly.
Subsequently, everything in between will require less effort.Give Mindesia’s Knowing my Boundaries meditation a try – link
Most of us find it difficult to set boundaries. Particularly as a result of the the addictive nature of todays technology. We tend to become engrossed and then forget ourselves and our needs. In other words , we forget to stop and check in, then check out just how we are and what we need.
As a result we fail to recognise the warning signs and tell-tale symptoms that tell us when it’s time to take a break or change what we are doing.
That’s why we need Mindesia. Because, above all, it can help us regularly assess our mood, our environment, and our situation. The result could be that we develop and simplify how we manage our Head and Body states. This, in turn could improve your mental health.
See Mindesia’s Progressive Self-Care practices – insert link
Improves Brain, body and mental health
In the modern era we tend to live a sedintary kind of life style. This is known to affect our Head and Body Health in a negative way. Research, on the other hand, tells us that movement is essential to our health and wellbeing and has many benefits.
Likewise, its said to boost mood, energy and mental clarity, strengthens the immune system and reduces social anxiety. In addition, it’s known to regulate temperature, promote healthy digestion and heart health , and improve brain circulation.
However, for many of us its challenging to get physical. That’s why Mindesia recommends that you set reminders and take breaks at regular intervals, as you are doing things, throughout the day. For example combining your mindesia moments with the Pomodoro Method of working.
The Bodesia programmes consist of simple and easy mindful breath and gentle movement that you can easily use when sitting, standing, walking and lying down. So, lets get physical with Bodesia wherever, whenever, whatever.
Why? Because the science shows that it makes you smarter, less anxious, and more creative. Know of any better reasons? Let us know in the comments below.
Move with Bodesia – gentle movement, breath, and mindfulness – link
6: When in doubt, ask for help.
Having good help improves mental health
When things get tough, it’s natural to retreat. It’s also an evolutionary response. However care has to taken that solitude doesn’t become isolation. Although we sometimes think its better to go back into our shell, withdrawing can make it more difficult to ask for help.
Despite these tendencies, we’re not designed to face difficulties alone. Most of us need support. That being said , it’s critical that we seek help from those we feel are reliable and in a position to give the best advice and guidance for our situation.
Fortunately, there are a variety of sources availabale nowadays. These may be online or inperson. They may be friends and family or those who have experienced similar things. Not only that, if need be, you can also contact your local mental health providers.
The present and your mental health
However, with all the present uncertainties, particularly if you are feeling lost or stuck, it is important to have a support system that you can trust and that can help you in making the right decisions.
That being said, at Mindesia we’re here for you –
but equally, we understand you are there for us! – So, thanks for your support!
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Thanks, we appreciate your input.
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Article based on Nilupul Foundations Research programmes and published works ( .